The project is divided into seven work packages and each work package (WP) is divided into several tasks. The major objectives of each WP are described below:
This WP focuses on general project management and communication & dissemination activities.
This WP focuses on life cycle analysis (LCA) of reference steels, design of new steels and selection for pilot-scale experiments.
The selected steels from WP2 will be manufactured in pilot-scale and further investigated for their processes, properties and microstructures.
This WP aims at developing zinc-based coating processes of the selected steels and characterization of their microstructures and the mechanical properties.
This WP aims at understanding the various factors influencing liquid metal embrittlement (LME) phenomenon in the studied coated steels.
In this WP, the performance of the developed materials will be studied by investigating their behaviours for crash, corrosion, hydrogen embrittlement and resistance spot weldability.
Finally, in this WP prototypes will be made and evaluated for their final in-service properties and life cycle analysis.
The WarP-AHSS research project is funded under the Grant Agreement No. 101112425 by the European Research Executive Agency (REA) under the powers delegated by the European Commission. The scope of the project falls under the Topic of RFCS-02-2022-RPJ - Steel Research Projects. The project runs from 01/10/2023 to 31/03/2027.
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